Become a Monthly Sponsor
Support Orfund monthly. Our minimum donation level is $25/month. Use the link below to become a monthly sponsor of Nightlight’s Orfund.
What We Do
“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow” (Isaiah 1:17, NIV).
It is difficult to fathom the size and complexity of the universe. It is also difficult to comprehend the magnitude of the needs of orphans. What can you do?
168,000,000 orphans – A problem too big for one person or organization, but supporters of Nightlight’s Orfund work together to make a difference. Supporting other organizations when possible; implementing new projects when necessary. Help every orphan until the last one has found a forever family. Click here to see the Orfund Brochure.
Orfund responds to the challenges of children without parents in many ways, including:
- Sponsor Tours to the U.S. of older kids to raise adoption Awareness
- Train Orphans who age-out and leave orphanages
- Aid Orphanages
- Rescue Orphans from Trafficking
- Scholarships/Grants for Adoption of older or difficult to place children

Learn about Orfund in this 55 second video.