Become a Monthly Sponsor

Support Orfund monthly.  Our minimum donation level is $25/month.  Use the link below to become a monthly sponsor of Nightlight’s Orfund.

What We Do

“Learn to do right; seek justice. Defend the oppressed. Take up the cause of the fatherless; plead the case of the widow” (Isaiah 1:17, NIV).

It is difficult to fathom the size and complexity of the universe. It is also difficult to comprehend the magnitude of the needs of orphans. What can you do?

168,000,000 orphans – A problem too big for one person or organization, but supporters of Nightlight’s Orfund work together to make a difference. Supporting other organizations when possible; implementing new projects when necessary. Help every orphan until the last one has found a forever family.  Click here to see the Orfund Brochure.

Orfund responds to the challenges of children without parents in many ways, including:

    • Sponsor Tours to the U.S. of older kids to raise adoption Awareness
    • Train Orphans who age-out and leave orphanages
    • Aid Orphanages
    • Rescue Orphans from Trafficking
    • Scholarships/Grants for Adoption of older or difficult to place children

Orfund is supporting five key areas of orphan care, which spell the word “STARS”:
1. Sponsorship
Your donation to Orfund helps bring at least a dozen children every summer from Ukraine, China, Kyrgyzstan, and Colombia for our orphan host tour program. Over 500 children have come to the US since we began the host program in 1995.

2. Training
Vocational training at The Harbor in St. Petersburg Russia is supported by funds from Orfund.
3. Aid
Donations from Orfund are forwarded to orphanages we directly work with in Colombia, Haiti, Kyrgyzstan and Uganda.

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4. Rescue
Orfund gives financial support to Orphan Voice and Make Way Partners, which are organizations involved in anti-trafficking efforts.  We also recognize that by supporting adoption, we are making a profound difference in preventing children from being trafficked.

5. Scholarships
Your donations to Orfund are used to fund adoption scholarships through the Nightlight Foundation when adoptive families apply for a grant. You are helping those who might not otherwise adopt commit to children who might otherwise not be adopted.

Girl playing on wild flower meadow

Orfund is a division of Nightlight Christian Adoptions.


Learn about Orfund in this 55 second video.

Contact & Share

Email us at [email protected]
Call us at (714) 693-5437
Address 1528 Brookhollow Dr #100, Santa Ana CA 92705